Kindergarten In-Person Graduation Interest Survey

Following strict COVID-19 guidelines for outdoor gatherings, PS120 is happy to announce that we will be celebrating our graduates this June with an outdoor ceremony!

Please note that ALL REMOTE students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian over the age of 18 to the outdoor ceremony. Following the graduation ceremony the child will be released to the accompanying parent/guardian to return home.

Students and their families who do not wish to attend the in-person ceremony will be celebrated during a virtual presentation.

Kindergarten graduation is scheduled for Tuesday, June 22nd. The ceremony will take place in the P.S. 120 schoolyard. In the event of rain, a virtual ceremony will be streamed for all to attend from the comfort of your home.

In order to plan for a beautiful and safe event, we need for a parent/guardian to complete the interest survey here informing us of your intentions to attend in-person.

If you need further clarification any of the information listed above, kindly email AP Jacqueline Momoh at to arrange for a time to discuss.

Ms. Momoh