Basketball Team

To create a team of students who learn core values of leadership and service through their participation in the District 25 league. Our mission is to build servant leaders in the community, the classroom, and on the court through trust and commitment.
Students will learn core values of leadership and modeling good behavior for their peers
Alignment with the PS 120 PBIS structure explaining expectations for students to be fair, have integrity, be responsible and respectful, and show excellence.
Students will demonstrate increased understanding about commitment and responsibility
Students will learn how to cooperate with others and be supportive and show good sportsmanship at all times
he P.S. 120 Dragons went on the road to take on the P.S. 20 Bees! It was a very close game where crucial plays decided the game. The Dragons coach Mr. Balvin mentioned how well the students rebounded and passed, but must continue to work on their defensive skills.
This week the P.S. 120 Dragons took on the P.S. 163 Basketball Team. The Dragons played a tough opponent who was well coached and skilled. The game was a close battle that was very interesting down to the last quarter. After the game the basketball coach Mr. Balvin praised the team on how well they were finishing their layups.
This week members of the basketball team trained with the 4th Grade Practice Squad! The 4th graders were eager to test the skills that they have learned against members of the basketball team. It wasn’t just a competitive practice, both 4th graders and basketball team members worked together during dribbling, passing and lay-up shooting drills.
This week’s focus was on shooting drills. The Dragons were hard at work practicing their shots and layups. Not only did our students improve their shooting skills but also had fun while doing it! The Dragons played one of Mr. Balvin’s favorite shooting games called “Hot Shots.”
The P.S. 120 Dragons Basketball team played their first game of the season against the P.S. 24 Nighthawks. The Dragons had been practicing very hard for this game for the past few weeks and were ready to take on the competition. The students on the team had plenty of time to warm up and get mentally prepared for the game.
his morning the 4th Grade Practice Squad worked on agility, passing and dribbling drills. The students worked hard on a new fake pass drill. Students had to fake a pass to a receiver and then pass the ball with one hand to a partner. The main focus of this practice session was the students’ cardiovascular endurance.
The P.S. 120 Dragons are gearing up for their first D25 showdown! The Dragons will be taking on the P.S. 24 Nighthawks and will be playing on their home court. There is a buzz around the school surrounding the first game. The Dragons will be cheered on by their fellow classmates as there will be two classes invited to the game.
Happy Thanksgiving from the P.S. 120 Basketball Team! We hope that you have a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy the two days off from school and don’t forget to play basketball during your free time.
As the next Holiday approaches the P.S. 120 Dragons were hard at work before the break! During the practice students showed energy and determination that they will need for their upcoming game. Some of the drills that they worked on were very specific to in-game situations such as the fake pass around the defender drill.
The 4th Grade Practice Squad showed off the skills they worked on last week! Students practiced a new dribbling drill in which they had to use both hands to move around obstacles. Mr. Balvin stressed that students alternate hands and use their preferred and preferred hand when dribbling. After working on dribbling, the squad played a partner passing game where they had to move the ball from one baseline to the other.