School Survey

Please see the directions below, as you can fill out the paper survey you received last week or you can follow the directions to complete the survey online. Any questions, please let me know!
2025 NYC School Survey: 
Family Survey Instructions

Parents and Guardians: We want to know what YOU think about your child’s school. Take your NYC School Survey now.

  • ●     Your survey responses, along with those of other parents/guardians, teachers and staff, and 6th-12th grade students will be used to provide information that will help your child’s school improve its learning environment.

  • ●     This survey is confidential. No one at your child’s school will ever see your individual responses.

  • ●     This survey is voluntary, but we hope you will answer as many questions as you can.

  • ●     You can choose to complete the survey online OR to mail in your paper survey. 


To take the survey online:

  • Go to

  • Click on “Take the 2025 NYC School Survey”.

  • Your access code is a lowercase f followed by your student’s OSIS number (ex. f123456789). The access code is also printed at the bottom of this page and on your paper survey.

  • You can also find a link to your online survey by logging into NYC Schools Account (NYCSA).

  • If you cannot locate your survey access code or have misplaced your survey form, please reach out to your child’s school for support.

To take the survey on paper:

  • Use the green-and-white return envelope provided with your paper survey to mail in your survey free of charge. Include ONLY your completed paper survey. Please do not return blank surveys. Please avoid tearing or stapling your survey form.

  • If you have misplaced your envelope, you can mail your completed survey in a stamped envelope to:

Survey Processing Center
PO Box 680490
Charlotte, NC 28216-9935

  • You may also return your survey in an envelope to your child’s school.

Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!
Keep in mind…

  • Your responses, combined with those of other parents/guardians at your child’s school, will be captured in the following reports:

  • Parents are encouraged to fill out one survey for each child, even if you have multiple children at the same school, in order to capture the different experiences of each child.

  • For more information about the NYC School Survey, visit

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your school.

Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!


Summer Rising Workshop

Dear Families,

We want to invite you to a second session of our Summer Rising Workshop, offered on Friday, March 14th at 1:00 PM. This workshop will be a repeat session of the Summer Rising Workshop we share during Parent Participation Day on the morning of Tuesday, March 11th.

During this workshop, Kindergarten-5th Grade families will learn all about the Summer Rising program. We will cover program information, as well as how families can apply to Summer Rising using the MySchools website. Chinese and Spanish translation will be provided.

Please join us in the Library (Room 319) after signing in at the main entrance. Please remember that all visitors to P.S. 120 must sign in with photo identification.

If you would like support in applying to the Summer Rising program, and you would like to bring your smart phone or laptop, you may! Parents can use the school wifi to access the MySchools website.

If you have any questions in advance, please comment on this post or send a ParentSquare message to Parent Coordinator Annabelle TianTian Zhang.


Half-Day Tomorrow

Dear Parents,

This message is to remind you that we have a half-day of instruction tomorrow, Thursday, March 6. Dismissal for all students is at 11:10 AM

Please ensure that you have completed and returned a dismissal plan for your child. If you need to update your child's dismissal plan at this time, please message your child's teacher in writing or call the main office (718-359-3390) as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

We look forward to meeting with you virtually during our afternoon/evening Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences are an important opportunity for you to hear about your child's academic progress and social-emotional wellbeing, to share information about your child, and to learn how you can support at home. Please make sure that you have signed up for an appointment slot with your child's teacher(s), and that you connect via Zoom at your appointment time. 


Summer Rising 2025

Dear PS 120Q Families,

The Summer Rising application is now OPEN via
(This is the same admissions website that you may have used in the past to apply for kindergarten and middle school)
The Summer Rising application will be open from March 4 until March 28,2025. Please note that this application process is NOT first come first served. While students with IEP's will be given priority, enrollment is lottery based, therefore those who apply today will be given the same priority as those who apply on March 28. 
Application results will be posted on the My Schools website on April 24, 2025.
New this year, families will not be automatically enrolled in the program ensuring that all registered students are active participants and to allow more students to move off the wait list as spots become available. Parent/Guardians will need to accept their seats by May 8, 2025. 
What is the Summer Rising?
Summer Rising 2025 is a partnership between New York City Public Schools and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Summer Rising is free and available to all NYC students in grades K-8, pending seat availability.
Students in Summer Rising will have access to both academic and enrichment programming as well as arts activities, and outdoor recreation. Monday through Thursday students will be in an academic setting with Department of Education teachers until 12pm.  Throughout the afternoon students will be in a camp like setting with Maspeth Town Hall. 
Students will be with Maspeth Town Hall all day on Friday’s.
Important Dates
The Summer Rising program will run from July 2, 2025 until August 15, 2024 for Elementary students and July 2 until August 8, 2025 for Middle School students.
There will be no Summer Rising on July 4, 2025
For more information regarding the Summer Rising program please visit:


Parent Weekly Bulletin - Week of 3/3/2025

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

In advance of Thursday’s Parent-Teacher Conferences, we will backpack home several important documents as indicators of your child’s progress:

  • Report cards (Digital versions and translations will be available in NYCSA accounts)

  • Middle of Year iReady (K-5th grade) / Acadience (K-2nd grade) parent reports

  • Honor Roll certificates (K-5th grade, as applicable based on student achievement)

  • IEP Progress Reports/Measurable Annual Goals (K-5th grade students with IEPs)

Please be sure to review these documents before you meet with your child’s teacher(s) during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, March 6, and ask how you can support your child’s progress at home. We look forward to speaking with you then! 


Robert Marino


P.S. 120’s Mission

At P.S. 120, we are committed to preparing our different types of learners to compete in the ever-changing 21st Century workforce by guiding them to recognize the importance of finding the balance between doing what they love, and what the world will need them to do. The faculty at PS 120 will:

  • Commit to the use of data-driven instruction and decision-making to provide equity-based instruction in all classrooms. 

  • Provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning by participating in classroom discussion and be able to predict how they can use what they are learning in their everyday lives and goals

  • Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking activities

  • Foster leadership opportunities for students in and out of the classroom

  • Expose and engage students in the cultural arts

  • Enable digital literacy by teaching students to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

  • Empower students to apply their talents to the service of others

As a result, students at P.S. 120: 

  • 100th Day of School: Earlier this week, P.S. 120 celebrated the 100th Day of School! Our Dragons have been learning so much this year and we are so excited to celebrate this milestone! Students and staff dressed up as if they were 100 years old - it was so amazing to see how creative our school community is!

  • Dragon Press: Check out this month’s issue of Dragon Press!

  • P.S. 120 Sports: Our P.S. 120 Dragons had an away basketball game, and a home soccer game, this week. Our athletes and cheerleaders demonstrated tremendous school spirit as they played strong! Way to go Dragons!

  • Classroom Visits: This week, some of our classes were visited by administrators and support staff from the District 25 community. Students were observed in Fundations and HMH Reading lessons. Visitors were impressed by how engaged our students are when learning!


  • 5th Grade Graduation Photos: All students in Grade 5 will have cap and gown graduation photos taken on Monday, Monday, March 3, 2025. An order form was sent home with your child on Monday, February 24.

  • Summer Rising: Families interested in applying to Summer Rising should check this page frequently for resources. Be sure to create a MySchools account, if you don’t have one already, so that you are ready when the application window opens. Important Dates:

    • March 3-4, 2025: P.S. 120 will backpack home MySchools PIN letters.

    • March 4, 2025: Application opens in MySchools.

    • March 28, 2025: Application closes in MySchools.

    • April 2025: Offer releases will be available in MySchools.

    • July 2, 2025: Summer Rising starts for K-8 students.

    • July 4, 2025: Summer Rising will be closed in observance of Independence Day.

    • August 15, 2025: Summer Rising ends for elementary school students.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2025 following a half-day (11:10 AM dismissal). Please remember:

    • Students will be dismissed promptly at 11:10 AM with a bagged lunch. 

    • Parents must inform us in advance of your child’s half-day dismissal plan. Please make sure you complete and return the half-day dismissal form (paper copies were backpacked home) by Monday, March 3.

    • Parents must sign up for an appointment slot to meet with your child’s teacher(s). Be sure to request translation if you prefer a language other than English! Conferences are held virtually, by appointment from 12:40-2:40 PM and 4:30-7:30 PM on March 6. 

Please join us for this important opportunity to discuss your child’s progress.

  • NYC School Family Survey- Please complete before April 4! School surveys were backpacked home on Friday, February 28. Please see the survey directions here; you can choose to fill out the paper survey or complete the survey online. Please respond by the survey deadline of April 4 - We value your feedback immensely!

  • Apply Now for Exciting STEM Spring Break Enrichment Programs

Application deadline: Sunday, March 9,2025.

Location: NYC Center for Aerospace and Applied Mathematics; Intrepid Museum; MakerSpace NYC; New York Aquarium; New York Botanical Garden; Prospect Park Zoo; Queens Botanical Garden; Queens County Farm Museum; Queens Zoo; Rocking the Boat; Salvadori Center; Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden; Sound Collective; Staten Island MakerSpace; Staten Island Museum; Staten Island Zoo; and UrbanGlass.

What’s your spring break destination? K–8 students can apply now to STEM Matters NYC enrichment programs. Choose from a wide range of programs at amazing destinations throughout the five boroughs! Get your hands dirty in nature, encounter amazing animals, or design an art or engineering project. Students will meet and work with field experts in programs that feature real-world learning experiences.

Don’t miss out, spots are limited, and Learn more and apply now. For questions, contact

  • PTA Updates (Sent on behalf of the PTA): 

    • P.S. 120’s PTA is actively seeking a Treasurer for the 2025-2026 school year. The Treasurer is one of the 3 mandatory officers on the PTA’s executive board. Specifically, P.S. 120’s incoming treasurer will be tasked with the responsibility to create a new PTA checking account (must have a Social Security Number). Please see more resources about the Treasurer position here:

  • SMILE Dental On-site Visits: The mobile dentist will return for their spring visit to PS120 on the following dates to provide all of our students with a dental check-up free of cost:

    • 3/26-3/28/25

    • 4/4/25

    • 4/7-4/11/25

    • 4/21-4/25/25

    • 4/28/25

    • If you did not sign a consent form in the fall, you can complete consent forms in two ways:

      • Preferred Method - Online: Complete the consent form online by visiting Please submit your online consent by 3/14/25

      • Paper Consent: Paper consent forms will be sent home in students backpacks during the week of 3/3 for any parent who does not wish to complete the consent online. Completed forms should be returned to school by 3/14/25.

      • NOTE: If you previously consented for your child to receive dental services (this school year or in a prior school year), that permission form is still valid. A new consent form is not required for your child to be seen.

      • If you consented for your child to receive dental services previously, and no longer wish for your child to receive dental services at school, please call # (855)481-8638 to opt out.

  • District 25 Family Civics COMIC BOOK Night

Wednesday, March 12, 2025|6:00 - 7:30 PM *IN-PERSON*

Location: J.H.S. 194 William Carr, 154-60 17th Ave, Whitestone, NY 11357

About: Join us for a fun family night where students and families will engage with the Civics for All comics to explore important topics like democracy, civic engagement, and social justice. 

  • FREE comic books for all students

  • Comic Book Exploration

  • Interactive Activities

  • Create Your Own Mini-Comics & more!

  • All are welcome! Register HERE

  • Event flyers


Saturday, March 15, 2025 |  12:00 PM*IN-PERSON*

Location:Common Point Queens Bay Terrace (212-00 23rd Ave, Bay Terrace, NY 11360)

About: Join us for District 25 Wellness Day, a FREE community event dedicated to promoting well-being, connection, and relaxation! Enjoy a day filled with engaging activities, movement sessions, and valuable resources provided by local partners and vendors.

  • Fun and interactive wellness activities

  • Opportunities for movement and mindfulness

  • Community resource sharing & learning

  •  Register here

Adults must attend with their children.*REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED*

              Don’t miss this chance to invest in your family’s well-being—see you there! 


Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | 6:00 - 7:00 PM *VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM*

Topic: Understanding the Kindergarten IEP process (KIP).


Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 5:45 PM to 7:45 PM*In-Person* 

Location: J.H.S. 189 Daniel Carter Beard - 144-80 Barclay Avenue, Queens, NY 11355

Join Superintendent Dr Dantona, Deputy Superintendent Umit Serin, the District 25 team and School Staff for District 25 Family Math Night @ JHS 189 in Flushing! 

All adults attending this event must have a FREE ticket.*REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED*

All children must attend with an adult. 

SEL Corner

  • SEL Resources

    • Back to School Resources

    • Child Mind Institute Family Resource Search Tool, click here

    • Free virtual parent workshops by Marble Health, sign up here:

      • All sessions run at 7 PM ET on Zoom

        • March 3: NEW! Navigating Student Health Challenges: Vaping, Alcohol & Substances

        • March 12: NEW! FOMO, Comparison, and Insecurity: Supporting Kids/Teens with Emotional Challenges of Social Media

        • March 18: Building Resilience & Growth Mindsets

        • March 26: Executive Function Strategies for Student Success

        • March 31: Managing Academic & Test Anxiety

  • MindUp/Brain Power Wellness

    • Practicing mindfulness helps students (and us as adults) develop and strengthen our prefrontal cortex in our brain.  It helps train our brain to be focused and make good choices.  It also helps us better control our amygdala so we do a better job of controlling our emotions.  

    • This month, students will engage in learning about practicing mindfulness in smelling and tasting.  At home, students should practice bringing their attention to the smells around them and how things taste at different times during the day.  Remind them to think about and discuss these two practices:

      • Mindful Smelling

        • What do you smell first thing in the morning?

        • What do you smell on your way to and from school?

        • What do you smell at dinner time?

      • Mindful Tasting

        • Eating food slowly and asking what you notice?

        • Smelling the food you are about to eat and asking did smelling your food change how it tasted.

        • What words would you use to describe your taste experience?  Why would you use those words?


  • Ramadan: Some of our P.S. 120 families and staff observe the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which begins the night of February 28 and ends with the celebration Eid al-Fitr on March 28. School will be closed for Eid al-Fitr on Monday, March 28. 

  • New York City Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025: Please bookmark this year’s school calendar, which includes information on school events and vacations throughout the year! Scroll down to view and/or print translations in your preferred language.

    • Please mark your calendar with upcoming holidays and school closures:

      • Thursday, March 6: Half day of instruction from 8:00 - 11:10 AM (Friday, March 7 is a regular full-length school day)

      • Monday, March 28: NO SCHOOL in observance of Eid al-Fitr


Ya Gotta Read!

Good morning, P.S. 120 families!

We are excited to announce that P.S. 120 has again been selected to participate in the Ya Gotta Read program, hosted by the New York Mets and Delta Airlines. The goal of Ya Gotta Read is for children to be excited to read and become lifelong readers.     

Ya Gotta Read! will begin on Monday, February 24 (to coincide with the start of Mets Spring Training) and will last for six weeks. The goal is for your child to read 20 minutes every weeknight (Monday-Friday) during the program. The more minutes your child reads, the more prizes they will earn! 

We hope your child enjoys participating in Ya Gotta Read! and hits a home run with the Mets!

Thank you very much!

Ya Gotta Read Parent Letter 2025 - Mandarin.pdf


Parent Weekly Bulletin - Week of 2/24/2025

Principal’s Memo

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

It has been a busy time at P.S. 120 with mock exams, field trips, middle-of-year diagnostic testing, Respect for All Week, Valentines Day… wow! This calls for MIDWINTER RECESS. I hope that you enjoy a fun and restful week with your family. 

While students are home, and your routines may be more relaxed, I do encourage you to remind your children to read daily, complete their iReady MyPath assignments, and any February break homework packets. Please prioritize outdoor play (weather permitting) and quality time with friends and families over an abundance of screen time during the break.

We look forward to seeing you back at school at 8:00 AM on Monday, February 24!


Robert Marino


P.S. 120’s Mission

At P.S. 120, we are committed to preparing our different types of learners to compete in the ever-changing 21st Century workforce by guiding them to recognize the importance of finding the balance between doing what they love, and what the world will need them to do. The faculty at PS 120 will:

  • Commit to the use of data-driven instruction and decision-making to provide equity-based instruction in all classrooms. 

  • Provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning by participating in classroom discussion and be able to predict how they can use what they are learning in their everyday lives and goals

  • Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking activities

  • Foster leadership opportunities for students in and out of the classroom

  • Expose and engage students in the cultural arts

  • Enable digital literacy by teaching students to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

  • Empower students to apply their talents to the service of others

As a result, students at P.S. 120: 

  • P.S. Basketball Game: Our P.S. 120 Dragons Basketball team hosted P.S. 21 this week for an intense basketball game! Our student athletes demonstrated perseverance and incredible sportsmanship. We are so proud!

  • Field Trips: 

    • Class 502 enjoyed a day out at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with their ENL/Art teacher, Ms. Marcinkowski. Students explored the Modern Contemporary Art Section while learning about different artists and art forms!

    • K6, K8, 103 and 108 all visited Little Pulp Art studio this week.

    • 2nd grade classes visited Queensborough Community College for a performance!

  • Respect for All Week: Students and staff alike spread kindness and love throughout the week by participating in daily activities organized by School Counselors Mr. Woodburn and Ms. Gao.


  • PTA Updates (Sent on behalf of the PTA): 

    • P.S. 120’s PTA is actively seeking a Treasurer for the 2025-2026 school year. The Treasurer is one of the 3 mandatory officers on the PTA’s executive board. Specifically, P.S. 120’s incoming treasurer will be tasked with the responsibility to create a new PTA checking account (must have a Social Security Number). Please see more resources about the Treasurer position here:

  • In-Person Family Workshops for Caregivers of Students with IEPs: NYC Public School Division of Inclusive and Accessible Learning is offering in-person hands-on family workshops over the February Break. They are specifically designed for families of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). These are free workshops where students and their caregivers are welcome to learn together.Please see the schedule below and sign-up for informative sessions!

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 6, following a half-day (11:10 AM dismissal). Please remember:

    • Students will be dismissed promptly at 11:10 AM with a bagged lunch. 

    • Parents must inform us in advance of your child’s half-day dismissal plan. We will backpack home a half-day dismissal form which must be completed and returned by Monday, March 3..

    • Parents must sign up for an appointment slot (will be posted on ParentSquare by Thursday, February 13) to meet with your child’s teacher(s). Be sure to request translation if you prefer a language other than English! Conferences are held virtually, by appointment from 12:40-2:40 PM and 4:30-7:30 PM on March 6. Please join us for this important opportunity to discuss your child’s progress!

  • Summer Rising: Families interested in applying to Summer Rising should check this page frequently for resources. Be sure to create a MySchools account, if you don’t have one already, so that you are ready when the application window opens. Important Dates:

    • March 4, 2025: Application opens in MySchools.

    • March 28, 2025: Application closes in MySchools.

    • April 2025: Offer releases will be available in MySchools.

    • July 2, 2025: Summer Rising starts for K-8 students.

    • July 4, 2025: Summer Rising will be closed in observance of Independence Day.

    • August 15, 2025: Summer Rising ends for elementary school students.

  • 5th Grade Graduation Photos: All students in Grade 5 will have cap and gown graduation photos taken on Monday, Monday, March 3, 2025. An order form will be sent home with your child on Monday, February 24.

  • School Meals/Menus: Click the links below to access daily/monthly cafeteria menus:

SEL Corner

  • SEL Resources

    • Back to School Resources

    • Child Mind Institute Family Resource Search Tool, click here

    • Free virtual parent workshops by Marble Health, sign up here:

      • Parenting isn't easy - especially when it comes to managing stress, screens, and school challenges. Join us for free virtual workshops this February to get practical strategies from Dr. Graham, a clinical psychologist at Marble Health.

      • All sessions run at 7 PM ET on Zoom

        • WED, FEB 19 | Help Kids Succeed: Executive Function Strategies

        • WED, FEB 26 | Improve Resilience & Foster Growth Mindsets

  • MindUp/Brain Power Wellness

    • In the next couple of weeks, we will be going over how to understand your child’s temperament and how to support your child.

      • Trait: High activity level

        • Positive aspects: Energetic. Explores their environment. Active even in boring situations.

        • Challenging aspects: Restless. May be impulsive, reckless. Easily distracted.

        • Tips for parents: As with all children, provide a safe environment. Use distraction techniques. Provide time to "burn off" energy with physical activity.

      • Trait: Low activity level

        • Positive aspects: Unlikely to disrupt activities.

        • Challenging aspects: Slow pace in completing tasks. Sometimes labeled "lazy."

        • Tips for parents: Give extra time to finish tasks. Make them realistic within a given time frame. Avoid criticism of child's slow pace.

      • Trait: Irregular activity level

        • Positive aspects: May not be upset by disruptions in daily routines.

        • Challenging aspects: Less predictable patterns of eating, sleeping, using the toilet.

        • Tips for parents: Require child to follow routines of coming to the table or going to bed, but don't force them to eat or sleep.

      • Trait: Initial withdrawal

        • Positive aspects: Shows caution in risky situations.

        • Challenging aspects: Slow to accept change. May reject people, food and new situations. Can be very shy and have separation anxiety.

        • Tips for parents: Introduce new things gradually. Talk about change beforehand. Let the child go at their own pace.


  • New York City Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025: Please bookmark this year’s school calendar, which includes information on school events and vacations throughout the year! Scroll down to view and/or print translations in your preferred language.

    • Please mark your calendar with upcoming holidays and school closures:

      • Monday, February 17-Friday, February 21: Midwinter Recess

        • School will resume at 8:00 AM on Monday, February 24!


Safe Corners, Save Kids

Our students got together with Councilwoman Vivian Wong, State Senator John Liu, and New York State Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, to urge Department of Transportation to come up with an effective plan to improve traffic safety on the streets outside of P.S.120. Click here to learn more about their hard work to install stop signs to ensure student safety!


Pre-K Application for September 2025

Pre-K applications are now open! Take a virtual tour and apply to Pre-K at P.S.120Q online at MySchools.


Parent Volunteers to Assist During Schoolwide Vision Screening

As part of a requirement by the New York City Department of Health, all PS120 students will have their vision screened on February 12, 2025 by a vendor selected by the NYCDOE, Optical Academy. 

We are seeking parent volunteers to assist with ensuring students in Pre-K through grade 5 are seen on schedule, in the most efficient manner, on February 12, 2025. 

Volunteers are needed throughout the entire day to ensure every student in the school is screened. Please consider signing up to volunteer for a full or partial day. If you are available to volunteer for the full day, please sign-up for a morning shift and an afternoon shift. 

Any questions regarding volunteering can be directed to Ms. Ambrose. Thank you! 


Parent Weekly Bulletin 1/25

Principal’s Memo

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

I want to extend a huge THANK YOU to our PTA executive board, PTA volunteers, and all of the staff members who volunteered their time and talents to make this year’s Lunar New Year festival a success! We had an amazing day Thursday, with in-school assemblies featuring student performances, as well as our evening celebration including a world food expo, calligraphers, photo booth, raffle prizes, and performances by local community groups. Happy 2025, the Year of the Snake!

Please remember that there is no school on Monday, January 20, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his vision for a just, equitable society for all Americans. School resumes on Tuesday, January 21, at 8:00 AM - See you then!


Robert Marino


P.S. 120’s Mission

At P.S. 120, we are committed to preparing our different types of learners to compete in the ever-changing 21st Century workforce by guiding them to recognize the importance of finding the balance between doing what they love, and what the world will need them to do. The faculty at PS 120 will:

  • Commit to the use of data-driven instruction and decision-making to provide equity-based instruction in all classrooms. 

  • Provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning by participating in classroom discussion and be able to predict how they can use what they are learning in their everyday lives and goals

  • Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking activities

  • Foster leadership opportunities for students in and out of the classroom

  • Expose and engage students in the cultural arts

  • Enable digital literacy by teaching students to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

  • Empower students to apply their talents to the service of others

As a result, students at P.S. 120: 

  • 4th/5th Grade Field Trip: This week, half of our 4th/5th grade Dragons went on a field trip to see Wicked. The students had a wonderful time spending the day at the movie theater together! The remainder of our 4th/5th grade classes have their trip on Tuesday.

  • Stop Sign Project Assembly: On Wednesday, our Student Government hosted an Assembly for our 5th graders, parents, and our local community leaders. The Student Government is advocating for the placement of a stop sign outside our school to increase safety for our students and families. We are so proud of our Student Government representatives for such an amazing call to action!

  • Lunar New Year Assembly: Thursday morning, some of our P.S. 120 Dragons performed for our special Lunar New Year Assembly. We would like to thank K2, K5, K8, 104, 401, and Vivian of Class 504 for showcasing incredible traditional song and dance in celebration of Lunar New Year!

  • Lunar New Year Celebration: P.S. 120 hosted its annual Lunar New Year Celebration Thursday night featuring a special World Food Expo. The night was filled with excitement, traditions, music, dance, and unforgettable performances! Thank you to our PTA for helping us organize such an incredible event!

  • Girls Soccer Team: Earlier this week, our P.S. 120 Girls Soccer team hosted P.S. 29 in a tough match! Our girls worked hard and persevered through challenges the entire game! Way to go Dragons!


  • PTA Updates (Sent on behalf of the PTA): 

    • January PTA & PAC Meeting: Our January meeting was held Friday, January 17. Parents may review our agenda/meeting minutes here. Our February meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 7, 2025, at 8:30 AM in P.S. 120’s Auditorium. 

      • The February PTA & PAC Meeting will begin following our celebration of January Student of the Month awardees (“Inspirational”, names to be determined).

  • District 25 Parent Workshops: We recommend that parents regularly check District 25’s Parent Event page,, for information and registration links for upcoming parent events:  

  • Acadience Virtual Parent Workshop Series via Zoom

    • Wednesday, February 5 @ 5:30 - 6:30 PM for families in Kindergarten and Grade 1

    • Wednesday, February 12 @ 5:30 - 6:30 PM for families in Grade 2

  • Math Virtual Parent Workshop Series via Zoom 

    • Wednesday, February 12 @ 7:00 - 8:15 PM for families in all grades

  • iReady In-Person Parent Workshop Series

    • Thursday, February 13 @ 6:00 - 7:30 PM

    • Location: PS 107 Thomas A. Dooley, 167-02 45 Avenue Queens, NY

  • All are welcome! Registration required:!

  • You can also view recordings of past sessions here:

  • Celebrate the Year of the Snake at the Met's Lunar New Year Festival:

    • When: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 12:00 PM–5:00 PM

    • Where: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Ave, New York, NY 10028

    • Enjoy performances, interactive activities, and artist-led workshops for all ages. Free with Museum admission—no registration needed.

    • Admission is free for Members and kids under 12. Pay-what-you-wish for NY State residents and NY, NJ, and CT students.

    • Learn more: The Met's Lunar New Year Festival.

  • School Meals: Parents can access menus for our school cafeteria each month. Parents can download and print monthly menu options (Select PreK-8 Breakfast / Lunch), or view the daily choices here:

  • Local Event: FREE Read Aloud Celebrating Lunar New Year!

    • DATE: Saturday, January 18, 2025

    • TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    • LOCATION: Bowne House - 37-01 Bowne Street, Flushing, NY 11354

    • This is a FREE program. Bowne House educators will read stories to children and adults ages 5 and up. Attendees will also enjoy a surprise craft project and refreshments. PLEASE NOTE: All children MUST be accompanied by an adult throughout the duration of the program.

  • Discounted Lunar New Year Tickets - Kupferberg Center: The Kupferberg Center is hosting Lunar New Year Celebration family performances on Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 PM. Save 20% using the passcode “EDU20” when selecting tickets. Join the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company and celebrate the spirit of the Year of the Snake through the power and beauty of dance. 

    • Kupferberg Center for the Arts |

    • 65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing New York 11367

SEL Corner

  • Announcements

    • Happy Holidays! Happy Early Lunar New Year!

  • Respect For All (RFA) Student-to-Student Discrimination, Sexual and Other Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying FAQ:

  • Code of Conduct Letter: 

  • Local Events for this week:

    • NYC Parks Events Calendar click here

      • Activities this week:

        • Lunar New Year is Wednesday, January 29, 2025, and it's the year of the snake! Join the festivities as we celebrate Lunar New Year in New York City. Find parades, festivals, and more taking place in and around NYC parks.

        • Check out more highlighted events here

    • Summerstage Family Programs click here

    • Queens Public Library Events Calendar click here

  • NY Family Queens To Do Events Calendar click here 

  • If you would like to recommend students for Student Success counseling groups (formerly known as At Risk Counseling), please click here. This is not a special education evaluation form.

  • SEL Resources

    • Back to School Resources

    • Virtual Libraries

    • Child Mind Institute Family Resource Search Tool, click here

    • Free parent workshops by Marble Health, sign up here:

      • Wed, Jan 22: Help Kids Succeed: Executive Function Strategies

      • Thurs, Jan 23: Improve Resilience & Foster Growth Mindsets

  • MindUp/Brain Power Wellness

    • Healthy Diet - Dairy

      • Dairy foods include a range of food and beverage products that make up classic combinations: cereal with milk, cheese and crackers, yogurt and berries, ice cream sundaes. While ice cream and cream cheese are examples of indulgent dairy foods that are viewed as every-so-often treats, a lack of clarity exists over other dairy foods that offer protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other healthful nutrients. Is cheese a healthy food? Is non/low-fat milk and yogurt better for the heart than full-fat versions? Traditionally, whole milk dairy products have been viewed as the less healthful choice because of their predominant type of fat—saturated fat.

      • The nutrients and types of fat in dairy are involved with bone health, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions. Calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus are important for bone building, and the high potassium content of dairy foods can help lower blood pressure. 

      • Both full-fat and non/low-fat dairy foods can be good sources of protein, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Dairy foods that undergo fermentation, such as yogurt and some cheeses, are lower in lactose and contain healthful gut bacteria that may benefit digestive health. However, the nutrients in milk can be found in other foods and therefore it is not an essential food even for the normal growth and development in children and for the prevention of health conditions like bone fractures. 


  • New York City Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025: Please bookmark this year’s school calendar, which includes information on school events and vacations throughout the year! Scroll down to view and/or print translations in your preferred language.

    • Please mark your calendar with upcoming holidays and school closures:

      • Monday, January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

      • Wednesday, January 29: Lunar New Year

      • Monday, February 17-Friday, February 21: Midwinter Recess 


"Know Your Rights" Learning Session

Dear Families,
Project Open Arms invites you to a "Know Your Rights" Learning Session presented by Project Rousseau. This session will provide an overview of the rights of migrant youth and families living in New York City.
📍 Location: Pan American International High School, 45-10 94th St, Flushing, NY 11373
🗓️ Date: January 16th
⏰ Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Translation services will be available in... Read More


Parent Weekly Bulletin 1/13

Principal’s Memo

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

Thank you to the parents who attended today’s Parent Participation Day. I would like to remind everyone who came to please complete our survey to share your thoughts! We review your responses to help plan future parent engagement events. We will continue to vary the topics of our follow-up parent workshops, and based on survey responses, we are encouraging teachers to plan even more hands-on activities (projects, cultural celebrations, publishing parties, etc.) for parents to enjoy when you visit your child’s classroom.

Next week will be a busy one at P.S. 120! Our Lunar New Year student performers are preparing for in-school shows on Thursday, January 16. I’m also very excited for our evening Lunar New Year celebration taking place on the night of January 16. I look forward to celebrating with all of our families who have requested tickets for the event.


Robert Marino


P.S. 120’s Mission

At P.S. 120, we are committed to preparing our different types of learners to compete in the ever-changing 21st Century workforce by guiding them to recognize the importance of finding the balance between doing what they love, and what the world will need them to do. The faculty at PS 120 will:

  • Commit to the use of data-driven instruction and decision-making to provide equity-based instruction in all classrooms. 

  • Provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning by participating in classroom discussion and be able to predict how they can use what they are learning in their everyday lives and goals

  • Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking activities

  • Foster leadership opportunities for students in and out of the classroom

  • Expose and engage students in the cultural arts

  • Enable digital literacy by teaching students to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

  • Empower students to apply their talents to the service of others

As a result, students at P.S. 120: 

  • Lunar New Year Preparations: This week, many of our Dragons have been practicing and rehearsing for their upcoming performances during our P.S. 120 Lunar New Year Celebration. We are very excited to see our students in action!

  • Basketball Game: On Friday, our P.S. 120 Dragons Basketball team visited P.S. 20 for an intense basketball game! Our student athletes persevered and showed resilience and determination. Way to go Dragons!


  • PTA Updates (Sent on behalf of the PTA): 

    • January PTA & PAC Meeting: Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 17, 2025, at 8:30 AM in P.S. 120’s Auditorium. 

      • The PTA & PAC Meeting will begin following our celebration of December Student of the Month awardees (“Determination”).

    • Upcoming Fundraiser at Phil & Sons Pizzeria: During the week of January 27-31, Phil & Sons Pizzeria on Main Street is hosting a fundraiser for P.S. 120 families. 10% of every $10 spent will be donated directly to P.S. 120! Enjoy their menu while contributing to the PTA. Show a paper or digital copy of this flyer:

    • Save the Date: The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to P.S. 120 from February 3-7. 

  • Progress Reports: Winter progress reports will be backpacked home with all Kindergarten-5th grade students on Friday, January 17. Please review your child’s ELA/Math Academic Behavior and Work Habits and contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about how to support your child at home.

  • School Meals: Parents can access menus for our school cafeteria each month. Parents can download and print monthly menu options (Select PreK-8 Breakfast / Lunch), or view the daily choices here:

  • Local Event: FREE Read Aloud Celebrating Lunar New Year!

    • DATE: Saturday, January 18, 2025

    • TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    • LOCATION: Bowne House - 37-01 Bowne Street, Flushing, NY 11354

    • This is a FREE program. Bowne House educators will read stories to children and adults ages 5 and up. Attendees will also enjoy a surprise craft project and refreshments. PLEASE NOTE: All children MUST be accompanied by an adult throughout the duration of the program.

  • Discounted Lunar New Year Tickets - Kupferberg Center: The Kupferberg Center is hosting Lunar New Year Celebration family performances on Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 PM. Save 20% using the passcode “EDU20” when selecting tickets. Join the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company and celebrate the spirit of the Year of the Snake through the power and beauty of dance. 

    • Kupferberg Center for the Arts |

    • 65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing New York 11367

SEL Corner

  • Announcements

    • Happy Holidays! Happy Early Lunar New Year!

  • Respect For All (RFA) Student-to-Student Discrimination, Sexual and Other Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying FAQ:

  • Code of Conduct Letter: 

  • Local Events for this week:

    • NYC Parks Events Calendar click here

      • Activities this week:

        • Mulchfest: Recycle your holiday tree at Mulchfest! We'll chip your tree and convert it into mulch for trees and gardens.

        • Winter Waterfowl Birding: Explore with the Urban Park Rangers and see what species you can spot!

        • Ice Skating: Lace up! Many of our ice skating rinks are open for the season!

        • Check out more highlighted events here

    • Summerstage Family Programs click here

    • Queens Public Library Events Calendar click here

  • NY Family Queens To Do Events Calendar click here 

  • If you would like to recommend students for Student Success counseling groups (formerly known as At Risk Counseling), please click here. This is not a special education evaluation form.

  • SEL Resources

    • Back to School Resources

    • Virtual Libraries

    • Child Mind Institute Family Resource Search Tool, click here

    • Free parent workshops by Marble Health, sign up here:

      • Mon, Jan 13: Support Students with Academic & Test Anxiety

      • Tues, Jan 14: Help Kids Succeed: Executive Function Strategies

      • Wed, Jan 15: Improve Resilience & Foster Growth Mindsets

      • Wed, Jan 22: Help Kids Succeed: Executive Function Strategies

      • Thurs, Jan 23: Improve Resilience & Foster Growth Mindsets

  • Middle School Enrollment Corner

    • Applications are now closed.

    • If you still have concerns about your child’s application, please contact Mr. Woodburn or Ms. Yuqi at 718-359-3390.

  • MindUp/Brain Power Wellness

    • Healthy Diet - oils and fats

      • When it comes to dietary fat, what matters most is the type of fat you eat. Contrary to past dietary advice promoting low-fat diets, newer research shows that healthy fats are necessary and beneficial for health.

      • Rather than adopting a low-fat diet, it’s more important to focus on eating beneficial “good” fats and avoiding harmful “bad” fats. Fat is an important part of a healthy diet. Choose foods with “good” unsaturated fats, limit foods high in saturated fat, and avoid “bad” trans fat. 

      • “Good” unsaturated fats — Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower disease risk. Foods high in good fats include vegetable oils (such as olive, canola, sunflower, soy, and corn), nuts, seeds, and fish. 

      • “Bad” fats — trans fats — increase disease risk, even when eaten in small quantities. Foods containing trans fats are primarily in processed foods made with trans fat from partially hydrogenated oil. Fortunately, trans fats have been eliminated from many of these foods. 

      • Saturated fats, while not as harmful as trans fats, by comparison with unsaturated fats negatively impact health and are best consumed in moderation. Foods containing large amounts of saturated fat include red meat, butter, cheese, and ice cream. Some plant-based fats like coconut oil and palm oil are also rich in saturated fat. When you cut back on foods like red meat and butter, replace them with fish, beans, nuts, and healthy oils instead of refined carbohydrates. 


  • New York City Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025: Please bookmark this year’s school calendar, which includes information on school events and vacations throughout the year! Scroll down to view and/or print translations in your preferred language.

    • Please mark your calendar with upcoming holidays and school closures:

      • Monday, January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

      • Wednesday, January 29: Lunar New Year

      • Monday, February 17-Friday, February 21: Midwinter Recess


Food Drive

Hello parents/guardians, 

Just a reminder that we are continuing to hold our Food Drive this week and the last day to bring in food is Friday, 1/10/25.  

Students should bring their items in a bag and will bring their items to Ms. Gao, Mr. Woodburn, or the main office.   

The Most Needed Items:
*Canned Fruits                    
*Packaged Macaroni & Cheese
*Canned Vegetables                
*Family Sized Hot or Cold Cereals
*Canned Proteins (examples tuna fish, beans)   
*Canned Soups
*Packaged Juice Packs                
*Packaged Milk Packs 

Note: City Harvest cannot accept unlabeled or dented cans, open packaging, products that need to be refrigerated, homemade foods, or expired products.

Contact Ms. Yuqi or Mr. Woodburn if you have any questions about our school drive.  

Each participating school will be entered into the Kids Can Help Competition. The school in each borough that collects and donates the most pounds of food between October 22 and January 17 will be awarded a prize! Donations for this competition must be received by January 31.


January Parent Participation

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

We are excited to continue our monthly Parent Participation Days for the 2024-2025 school year!

These monthly events allow parents the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom during a morning period of instruction, and to not only observe the lesson but to participate in the curriculum with your child.

As a new addition this year, we will also offer a follow-up workshop in the Auditorium, to help parents gain a deeper understanding of the activities they experienced in the classroom, and how they can reinforce their child’s learning at home. 

On each Parent Participation day, K-5th grade parents will be invited to sign in at the main desk after students arrive (8:10 AM) and gather in the auditorium for a brief opportunity to socialize and review the morning’s schedule.  K-5th grade parents will then be invited to visit their child's class for Period 1 between 8:25 AM - 9:10 AM. Parents who are not attending the workshop will exit the school building using the main entrance at 9:10 AM. PreK parents are invited to join is in PreK classrooms beginning at 9:10 AM.

For each month's scheduled Parent Participation Day, we will vary the day of the week so that parents can see their child in multiple instructional blocks/with different teachers. Your child's homeroom teacher will send a message on ParentSquare in advance, to let you know the class subject and room number for your visit on Friday, January 10.

Please be mindful that you do NOT photograph or videotape classroom instruction during your visit, as we closely monitor student privacy and media consent. If you would like to review instructional materials after your visit, please contact your child’s teacher and ask for the resource to be shared.

Please RSVP to indicate whether you can join us on Friday, January 10. We look forward to seeing you then! Please remember to bring photo identification to enter the building.

January’s Schedule/Workshop Topic

8:10-8:25 AM: K-5 Parent sign-in and welcome in the auditorium

Period 1, 8:25-9:10 AM: K-5 Parents visit classrooms (PreK parents with siblings attend older child’s classrooms)

Period 2, 9:10 AM:

  • PreK parents visit PreK classrooms - Family Engagement activity

  • 3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents are invited to the Auditorium for a workshop on the New York State ELA & Math Exams, and how to help your child prepare 

PreK parents

  • PreK parents with an older sibling should sign-in at 8:10 AM and visit the classroom(s) of their older child/children during Period 1; transition to PreK classroom at 9:10 AM

  • Parents with only a PreK child, sign-in at 9:00 AM and transition to PreK classroom at 9:10 AM


Lunar New Year

We are so excited to announce the date for this year's Lunar New Year Celebration for our community, including a World Food Expo and performances: January 16th, 5:00pm doors open, 6:00pm show.   Please look in your child's backpack for the Lunar New Year letter with tear off, and return it if you are interested in attending and/or contributing food.   We will be sending out an interest form for parent volunteers after the holiday break.  

We look forward to seeing you there!
