P.S. 120Q Grading Policy
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The NYC Department of Education’s Grading Policy impacts how students are to be assessed on the work that they have been assigned to complete. This not only includes the types of assignments that students are given, but it also includes the practice of being flexible with regards to teaching and learning. Schools, therefore, must ensure that “practices acknowledge the impact of remote and blended learning models on the ways in which students complete their assigned work.”
PS 120 will follow the guidelines within the DOE’s policy by utilizing previously used grading scales for grades K to 5, as well as a non-numerical value. Since no student is to receive a failing grade, N will be used in its place. Please see the grading scale for Grades K-5 below.
Grades K to 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
N (Needs Improvement)
In addition to the above used scale, teachers that teach Art, Physical Education, and Science will assign the grades indicated below as a means of ensuring that students are provided with an equitable grade.
We understand the need for flexibility, and we will do what it takes to ensure every child’s grade fairly reflects their level of engagement and participation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all.
Robert Marino