2024-25 SLT Meeting Dates

All meetings are held at 2:30pm in the Principal’s office

September 23
October 21
November 18
December 9
January 13
February 24
March 17
April 21
May 19
June 16

What is a School Leadership Team?

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies.


  • Provide ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement.

  • Play an important role in school-based decision-making

  • Help to make school cultures more collaborative.

Who are the SLT members?

This team is made up of members of the school community including an equal number of school staff members, including the Principal and United Federation of Teachers Chapter Leader, and parents, including the PTA president.

How do SLTs make decisions?

SLTs must use consensus-based decision making. In this type of process, all participants contribute to and help shape the final decision. By listening closely to one another, members come up with solutions and proposals that work for the group.

This approach is empowering because each member has the opportunity to influence team decisions. When all members are able to voice their opinions and concerns, they are more likely to stay invested in and connected to the work of the team. This sets the stage for greater cooperation and mutual respect.

Click here to access P.S.120Q SLT By-Laws

Click here to view the minutes from all SLT meetings for our SLT meetings.