P.S. 120Q

Social-Emotional Learning

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The mission of the school counseling program at P.S. 120Q is to create and maintain a safe effective learning environment by establishing behavioral supports and the social culture needed for all students in our school to achieve optimal social, emotional, and academic success. Our mission is to foster a safe learning community that promotes student achievement through the consistent practice of fairness, integrity, responsibility, respect, and excellence.

Building Resiliency and Shifting School Culture through Social-Emotional Learning

In an effort to align our school vision for increasing social-emotional learning with the District 25 goals and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) standards, we have implemented several social-emotional programs and initiatives to better support our students’ engagement with social-emotional learning. Teachers across grade levels have been engaged in implemented the following in their classrooms:


Our primary resource for social-emotional learning is the implementation of the RULER program via Yale University.  Each month, teachers have engaged students by introducing 4 Anchor Tools of Emotional Intelligence made available through the RULER program.  

4 Anchor Tools of our Ruler Program

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Social-Emotional Implementation Team: Representatives from staff sub-groups (i.e. school aides, teachers, counselors, etc.) within our school community meet weekly to discuss, evaluate, and implement elements of our school’s social-emotional learning programming.

Respect For All: The school community is engaged in opportunities to highlight and build upon ongoing discussions that promote respect for diversity and focus on preventing bullying, intimidation, and bias-based harassment.

No One Eats Alone and Know Your Classmates Day: Students engage in lunchtime activities in small groups that teach everyone how to make friends and end social isolation.

Anti-bullying Assemblies: Students engage in themes like kindness, diversity, equality, philanthropy, and anti-bullying.

Beautiful Me: Beautiful Me is an educational, self-esteem program designed to educate females by promoting appreciation for their genuine qualities, accurate self-awareness, and the satisfaction gained by helping others.  Small groups of girls from Grades 4 and 5 engage in lessons geared towards the goals of the program.

Parent Involvement: Several workshops are held that focus on the 4 Anchor Tools of Emotional Intelligence.



If you have any questions about our social-emotional learning programs, please contact:

Rohan WoodburnSchool Counselor

Rohan Woodburn

School Counselor

Yuqi Gao

School Counselor