Please see the directions below, as you can fill out the paper survey you received last week or you can follow the directions to complete the survey online. Any questions, please let me know!
2025 NYC School Survey:
Family Survey Instructions
Parents and Guardians: We want to know what YOU think about your child’s school. Take your NYC School Survey now.
● Your survey responses, along with those of other parents/guardians, teachers and staff, and 6th-12th grade students will be used to provide information that will help your child’s school improve its learning environment.
● This survey is confidential. No one at your child’s school will ever see your individual responses.
● This survey is voluntary, but we hope you will answer as many questions as you can.
● You can choose to complete the survey online OR to mail in your paper survey.
To take the survey online:
Go to
Click on “Take the 2025 NYC School Survey”.
Your access code is a lowercase f followed by your student’s OSIS number (ex. f123456789). The access code is also printed at the bottom of this page and on your paper survey.
You can also find a link to your online survey by logging into NYC Schools Account (NYCSA).
If you cannot locate your survey access code or have misplaced your survey form, please reach out to your child’s school for support.
To take the survey on paper:
Use the green-and-white return envelope provided with your paper survey to mail in your survey free of charge. Include ONLY your completed paper survey. Please do not return blank surveys. Please avoid tearing or stapling your survey form.
If you have misplaced your envelope, you can mail your completed survey in a stamped envelope to:
Survey Processing Center
PO Box 680490
Charlotte, NC 28216-9935
You may also return your survey in an envelope to your child’s school.
Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!
Keep in mind…
Your responses, combined with those of other parents/guardians at your child’s school, will be captured in the following reports:
School Quality Snapshot at
Public Survey Reports accessible through
Parents are encouraged to fill out one survey for each child, even if you have multiple children at the same school, in order to capture the different experiences of each child.
For more information about the NYC School Survey, visit
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your school.
Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!