Half-Day Tomorrow

Dear Parents,

This message is to remind you that we have a half-day of instruction tomorrow, Thursday, March 6. Dismissal for all students is at 11:10 AM

Please ensure that you have completed and returned a dismissal plan for your child. If you need to update your child's dismissal plan at this time, please message your child's teacher in writing or call the main office (718-359-3390) as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

We look forward to meeting with you virtually during our afternoon/evening Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences are an important opportunity for you to hear about your child's academic progress and social-emotional wellbeing, to share information about your child, and to learn how you can support at home. Please make sure that you have signed up for an appointment slot with your child's teacher(s), and that you connect via Zoom at your appointment time. 
