PS 120Q
Enjoy our blog!

Parent-Teacher Conference Support
Parent Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching. On November 15th 2018, conferences will take place at P.S.120 from 12:40pm-2:40 pm and 4:30pm-7:30pm. This is a great opportunity for both parents and teachers to build a partnership with one another so that students receive all of the support that they might need. Below are some effective questions to ask at the upcoming parent-teacher conference.
May I tell you about my child? Since nobody knows your child better than you do, this is extremely helpful to your child’s teacher so that he/she can learn more. Provide your child’s teacher with more information on what motivates your child, likes and dislikes, special skills, strengths and weaknesses.
May I tell you about what’s going on at home?
How is my child doing socially/emotionally?
In what areas does my child need improvement?
What do you think my child is particularly good at?
Is my child performing on grade level?
Is my child doing his/her best?
Does my child need extra help in any areas? What can we do to provide that extra help?
What skills are being addressed in class right now, and how do they tie into the overall goals of the school year?

Go Math! Academy Online Program
We have purchased access to Go Math! Academy™, a supplemental online resource for K-5th grade students to use for math practice at home.
To activate your school-sponsored subscription to Go Math! Academy:
1. Go to:
2. Enter the provided Access Code and click “Redeem”.
3. Enter our school zip code (11355) and choose our school name (PS 120) from the School Name list.
4. Enter Parent’s Year of Birth, Parent’s Email and set up the account. (If you already have an account, you will be asked to sign in with your email and password.)
** Contact the Main Office or Parent Coordinator (Ms. Zhao) if you don't have the Access Code. This code will give your child access to the program till 2/4/2020.
** Please keep this code private. Sharing will reduce the number of subscriptions available to our students.
** After setting up your account, you only need to click “Login” on the homepage to sign in every time you use the program.

Math Moves at P.S. 120
Math Moves at P.S. 120
Building Capacity and Shifting Mindset around Mathematics
In an effort to align our school vision for increasing rigor and positive mindset in our math instruction with the District 25 goals, we have shifted and modified our curriculum, instructional structures, and tasks to better support our students’ engagement with mathematics. Teachers across grade levels have been implementing the following “math moves” in their classrooms:
Number Talks: 10-15 minute daily routine taking place during the beginning of lessons that focuses on the development of mental math. Number talks include student-student and student-educator discussions about solving a math problem mentally. These “talks” allow students to engage in discourse with each other, improve mental math strategies and fluency skills, and share with each other more than one strategy of solving a problem.
3-Act Tasks: Whole group student-centered mathematics activity consisting of three distinct parts: an engaging and perplexing Act One, an information and solution seeking Act Two, and a solution discussion and solution revealing Act Three. In order to complete a 3-Act Task, students must question, persevere, problem solve, and reason mathematically. 3-Act Tasks allow students to make sense of a problem in a variety of ways - Act 1 gives students an opportunity to generate questions and think critically about the picture or video they see, Act 2 adds to their thinking by providing a piece of information after they begin to ask for it through their noticings and wonderings, and Act 3 provides students with the solution.
Math Sketches: Intended to support students in learning abstract mathematical concepts, math sketches are visual representations of how to determine the solution to a problem. This “move” provides students with an alternate entry point in tackling a math problem through the use of diagrams, drawings, charts, number lines, etc.
Exploration: Student exploration in math gives young scholars the opportunity to make connections to concepts they already know, making way for critical thinking, questioning, and investigating. Teachers may encourage the use of different tools, such as manipulatives and technology, to solve problems. Rather than direct instruction, teachers serve as facilitators of discussion. After exploring concepts, students may come together as a whole or in small groups to discuss their findings.
Productive Discourse: Discourse in the classroom not only allows students to concentrate on sense-making, reasoning of math concepts, and critiquing ideas of others, it also gives teachers the opportunity to reflect on student understanding.
Math Talk Moves: Strategic discussion moves intended for teachers to facilitate classroom discussion that include -
· Prompt - prompting students to answer a question
· Wait Time - providing adequate time for students to respond to a question
· Revoice - repeating a student’s answer to emphasize and clarify what the student said
· Restate - asking a student to restate what another student has said to ensure that students listen closely to each other
· Apply Reasoning - asking students to evaluate, critique, and use each other’s responses and strategies
Here is a site that can be helpful guide for parents to understand the changes in mathematics and suggestions of ways to support their child's learning in math.
Acknowledgements The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics wishes to acknowledge the extensive efforts of staff member Amy Mirra in gathering the information for and editing this guide.

Vote in New York State’s Primary Election on Thursday, September 13th.
Polls will be open from 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Thanks to the generosity of Councilman Peter Koo, who awarded Shadow Box Theatre and P.S.120Q a CASA Initiative Grant, our Saturday program was a success! Come see our students and parents perform with their handmade puppets! This project supports ENL students and their parents in learning English through the art of puppetry. Families sculpted, painted, sewed and decorated their puppets under master puppeteer and artist Jane Catherine Shaw. Based on Brooklyn author and illustrator Naoko Stoop’s Red Knit Cap Girl, the characters set out on an adventure to reach the moon. Do you think they can reach the moon? Come see for yourself!
Please use the link below to RSVP:
Utilice el siguiente enlace para confirmar su asistencia:

Register for a IDNYC at your local library
There are many benefits of applying for a IDNYC. One of the major benefits is that cardholders have access to 40 different free museums throughout NYC. Please apply at
Museums and Cultural Institutions
The 2018 Museum and Cultural Institution Benefits
IDNYC cardholders are now eligible for free one-year memberships at over 40 participating institutions in 2018.
Your IDNYC card must be valid. It DOES NOT matter when you received your card.
You can join any institution where you have not been a member since January 1, 2014. If you were a member after that date, you cannot get a free IDNYC membership at that institution. You are still eligible for the other memberships.
Please note, not all 2017 institutions will be returning as IDNYC benefit partners in 2018.
If you received your card in 2017 and you want to join an institution that will not participate in 2018, you must join no later than December 31, 2017.
The following cultural institutions will provide free membership benefits to all eligible IDNYC cardholders in 2018:
American Museum of Natural History
Bronx County Historical Society
Bronx Museum of the Arts
BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music)
Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Carnegie Hall
Center for Performance Research
Central Park Zoo (enrollment is only available at the Bronx Zoo)
China Institute
The Drawing Center
Film Forum
Flushing Town Hall
International Print Center New York
Jacques Marchais Center for Tibetan Art
King Manor
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Opera
Museum at Eldridge Street
Museum of Arts and Design
Museum of Chinese in America
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Museum of Modern Art
Museum of the City of New York
New York Aquarium (enrollment is only available at the Bronx Zoo)
New York Botanical Garden
New York City Ballet
New York City Center
Park Avenue Armory
Pregones Theater
Prospect Park Zoo (enrollment is only available at the Bronx Zoo)
The Public Theater
Queens Museum
Queens Theatre
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
St. George Theatre
Staten Island Museum
Studio Museum in Harlem
Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art & Storytelling
Symphony Space
Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo

Opportunity for Caregivers to Learn English with their Child his summer
Learn English together as a family! Summer registration for The Family English Initiative is now open until April 27th, 2018. Families new to the English language can learn English together and explore cultural institutions across the city in this free six-week program, consisting of interactive activities and practical lessons taught by certified teachers.
Programming is available for students in kindergarten and 1st grade and their caregivers. The program will run on Tuesday-Thursday between July 10 and August 10, 2018. Sites will be in Staten Island, the Bronx, and Queens.
Seats are limited! If you are interested in enrolling your child, please register online at or email
- Chinese flyer
- Folleto español

FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018
Join the New York Mets as they take on the Milwaukee Brewers! The first 800 individuals to purchase tickets will be given access to stand on the warning track during the National Anthem prior to the game!
Tickets start at $21 (+ taxes and fees)
Game Start Time - 7:10PM

STEM Family Fun Night
Queens North Field Support Center's division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce that registration is open for our 3rd annual STEM Family Fun Night on Wednesday, May 30th! Families are invited to spend an evening engaged in new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities with their family and friends. We hope you will attend this highly anticipated event.
You can register at or HERE.

What Do I Ask My Child When They Are Reading?
When reading with your child it is important to ask them questions to check their understanding. Your child should be able to retell the story using words like “first”, “next”, “last” and then answer questions about what happened. Here are some questions for you to ask your child while they are reading and after they are finished.
Before Reading
What do you think this book will be about?
What do you know about the topic of this book? (Have you ever been camping/ seen a ghost/been to a farm, etc)
Does the topic of this book remind you of anything you know or have done?
During Reading
What do you think will happen next? What make you think this?
Why do you think the character did __________________? How do you know?
What must have happened here that the author didn’t tell us?
What emotions is the character feeling? How do you know?
Has anything like this ever happened to you? Does it remind you of something?
Is there anything you’re wondering about right now?
After Reading
Why do you think…?
Why did the character…?
What lesson do you learn from thus book? What clues told you this?
How does the character’s feelings change from the beginning to the end of the book?
What is the problem of this story? How does the character fix the problem?
Describe the setting of the book. Where does the story take place?
How do you know this is the setting?
What are the main events that occur in the beginning, middle, and end of the story?

Pre-K Application Deadline
New York City families with children born in 2014 are eligible to apply for free, full-day, high-quality pre-K starting in September 2018! The March 30 application deadline is this week!!!

Free STEM camps for free over the Spring Break

Free Museums and Cultural Events for Your Family
Museum at Eldridge Street (pay what you will, 10am to 5pm, tours)
9/11 Memorial & Museum (5pm to close)
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Morgan Library and Museum (McKim Rooms only, 3 to 5pm)
Wave Hill (9am to noon)
Bronx Zoo (pay what you will for grounds access; does not include admission to special exhibitions like the Butterfly Garden, Congo Gorilla Forest and JungleWorld)
Frick Collection (pay what you wish, 2 to 6pm)
Museum of Jewish Heritage (4 to 8pm)
New York Botanical Garden (free grounds access; does not include entry to the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, special exhibitions like the Orchid Show and Holiday Train Show, Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, Rock and Native Plant Gardens or Tram Tour)
Queens Botanical Garden (April through October, 3 to 6pm; all day rest of year)
Van Cortlandt House Museum
Staten Island Zoo (2 to 4:45pm)
Brooklyn Children's Museum (2 to 6pm)
Museum of Arts and Design (pay what you will, 6 to 9pm)
New Museum (pay what you will, 7 to 9pm)
International Center of Photography (pay what you will, 6 to 9pm)
First Thursday of the Month
Museum of Chinese in America
Asia Society (September through June, 6 to 9pm)
Historic Richmond Town (1 to 5pm)
Japan Society (6 to 9pm)
Morgan Library and Museum (7 to 9pm)
Museum of Modern Art (4 to 8pm)
Museum of the Moving Image (4 to 8pm)
New York Aquarium (pay what you will, 3pm to close; 4pm to close in summer)
New York Hall of Science (2 to 5pm)
The New-York Historical Society (pay what you will, 6 to 8pm)
Rubin Museum of Art (6 to 10pm)
First Friday of the Month
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (5 to 8pm)
Frick Collection (6 to 9pm, except September and January) Neue Galerie (6 to 8pm)
The Noguchi Museum

Respect For All Week
FEBRUARY 12-15, 2018
Please click the image for more details.

Parent Teacher Conference
In March we will be having parent/teacher conferences following our March Report Cards. As teachers we want you to be informed on your child’s progress in school so that you can also take an active role at home to help them. Here are some questions you could ask your child’s teacher:
· Does my child participate?
· Is my child on grade level in all academic areas?
· How can I help my child increase their reading level?
· What questions could I ask to make sure my child understands what they’re reading?
· What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?
· How is my child doing socially?
· What could I do at home to support what you are doing in the classroom?
· Make sure to inform your child’s teacher on any changes at home that may affect your child’s academic/ social behavior.
Student Council Election
On October 5th, 2017, P.S.120Q held its Student Council Election. Representatives from the 4th and 5th Grades prepared speeches to explain to their classmates why they should be a part of our Student Council Body. The speeches were full of wonderful ideas of ways that we could continue to build upon our school community. Tune in to see who our winners are!

Sustainability Success!
A huge congratulations to Ms. Day, the Green Team, and the Sustainability Mural Club for their big win at the NYC Sustainability expo this week. Everyone loved our recycled spork murals, and we were chosen as the Most Innovative project, with a prize of $5000 to be spent for sustainability projects next school year. Go Dragons!!

Our First Family Math Night!
Our math department and several other teachers prepared a fun family night to welcome our upper grade students and their families for an evening of project based math learning! This circus-themed event was fun for the whole family as they worked together to explore math concepts and have a great time. Next year we look forward to having another math night, as well as a Family STEM night! We hope to see you there!

PS120Q 2nd Annual Multicultural Festival
PS 120 hosted our 2nd Annual Multicultural Festival last week and this year we were excited to open the doors of our cafeteria to the community for an International Feast! Many families and restaurants donated food for the celebration.

Groundbreaking for our New Schoolyard
This week, we welcomed Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and Councilman Peter Koo to our school to celebrate the groundbreaking for the construction of our schoolyard. It was a wonderful event and many of our students participated in the celebration. Please see below for a few of the features in local news!
Watch the video of the event in English here!
Watch the video of the event in Chinese here!

Pennies For Patients
P.S. 120Q is proud to announce that through our partnership with Pennies for Patients, we were able to collect a total of $1571.67 for the Leukemia and Lymphona Society, the world’s largest non-profit health organization dedicated to finding cures for blood cancers. The Pennies for Patients program helps raise money to fund research for therapies that save the lives of blood cancer patients. We are so proud of all of our Dragons for their generosity, and would like to give a special shout out to Ms. Difino and the Student Council for their hard work organizing this important initiative. Go Dragons!