Parent Weekly Bulletin 11/25/24

Dear P.S. 120 Families,

It was wonderful to see so many parents at Wednesday morning's Parent Participation Day event! Parents who attended, please remember to take our brief survey to give feedback about the event. Additionally, please see the resources for today's follow-up workshop (K-2 Literacy) in the Auditorium:

Workshop Slides    Workshop Packet

We will continue to offer Parent Participation Day one morning each month, with a different workshop topic to share additional parent resources to help you support your child at home.


Robert Marino


P.S. 120’s Mission

At P.S. 120, we are committed to preparing our different types of learners to compete in the ever-changing 21st Century workforce by guiding them to recognize the importance of finding the balance between doing what they love, and what the world will need them to do. The faculty at PS 120 will:

  • Commit to the use of data-driven instruction and decision-making to provide equity-based instruction in all classrooms. 

  • Provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning by participating in classroom discussion and be able to predict how they can use what they are learning in their everyday lives and goals

  • Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking activities

  • Foster leadership opportunities for students in and out of the classroom

  • Expose and engage students in the cultural arts

  • Enable digital literacy by teaching students to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

  • Empower students to apply their talents to the service of others

As a result, students at P.S. 120: 

  • Field Trips: Our second grade classes enjoyed visiting Bee’s Arts & Crafts Studio in Queens! Our Dragons had a wonderful time engaging in art exploration and crafting activities.

  • Student of the Month: Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month who were honored last Friday in an assembly. Our special Dragons were celebrated for their appreciation of Diversity! Way to go Dragons!

  • November Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Assemblies: This week, students in grades 2 and 5 attended assemblies around the themes of Diversity, Stereotypes, Bias.


  • Virtual i-Ready Parent Workshops - November 26th: If you were not able to join us in person last week for the i-Ready parent workshops, please consider joining us virtually as experts from i-Ready share about how the i-Ready program works, and how you can support your child to use it at home. No registration required - Just click the links below to join at your preferred time on Tuesday, 11/26!

  • Chancellor’s 5 Borough Listening Tour: This fall, Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos will be embarking upon a Five-Borough Listening Tour to open dialogue with school communities across New York City. Parents are invited to share their perspectives on key educational issues affecting our city's public school families and students, such as special education, curriculum development, and mental health resources, culminating in a Q&A session with Chancellor Aviles-Ramos and NYCPS leaders. Please complete this form to register to attend and request language interpretation if needed—you may register up until the day of the event!

  • Queens event: December 3, 2024 from 6:00–8:00 PM

  • Queens location: Academy of American Studies High School

    • 40-11 28 Street, Queens, NY 11101

SEL Corner

  • Announcements

    • Happy Thanksgiving (soon)!

    • November is Native American Heritage Month.  

      • Click here to view free NYC Parks events celebrating Native American culture.

      • Visit a Smithsonian Museum in-person or virtually

  • Respect For All (RFA) Student-to-Student Discrimination, Sexual and Other Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying FAQ:

  • Code of Conduct Letter: 

  • Local Events for this week:

    • NYC Parks Events Calendar click here

    • Summerstage Family Programs click here

    • Queens Public Library Events Calendar click here

  • NY Family Queens To Do Events Calendar click here 

  • If you would like to recommend students for Student Success counseling groups (formerly known as At Risk Counseling), please click here. This is not a special education evaluation form.

  • Middle School Enrollment Corner

    • The deadline to apply to high school is less than a month away. Please make sure you are registered on MySchools and have a couple schools in mind! 

    • If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Yuqi or Mr. Woodburn at 718-359-3390.

  • MindUp/Brain Power Wellness

    • Managing Screen Time

      • Why - Academics?

        • Middle school children who watched more television, movies and video games did worse in school than those who watched less. 

        • Third graders with a bedroom TV scored seven to nine points lower on standardized tests than those without a bedroom TV.

      • Screen Time and Sleep

        • Television viewing among infants and children is associated with irregular sleep schedules.

        •  Teens watching more than three hours of TV per day are more likely to have sleep problems in early adulthood. 


  • New York City Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025: Please bookmark this year’s school calendar, which includes information on school events and vacations throughout the year! Scroll down to view and/or print translations in your preferred language.

    • Please mark your calendar with upcoming holidays:

      • Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29 - Schools closed, Thanksgiving Recess
