Dear P.S. 120 Families,
We are excited to continue our monthly Parent Participation Days for the 2024-2025 school year!
These monthly events allow parents the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom during a morning period of instruction, and to not only observe the lesson but to participate in the curriculum with your child.
As a new addition this year, we will also offer a follow-up workshop in the Auditorium, to help parents gain a deeper understanding of the activities they experienced in the classroom, and how they can reinforce their child’s learning at home.
On each Parent Participation day, K-5th grade parents will be invited to sign in at the main desk after students arrive (8:10 AM) and gather in the auditorium for a brief opportunity to socialize and review the morning’s schedule. K-5th grade parents will then be invited to visit their child's class for Period 1 between 8:25 AM - 9:10 AM. Parents who are not attending the workshop will exit the school building using the main entrance at 9:10 AM. PreK parents are invited to join is in PreK classrooms beginning at 9:10 AM.
For each month's scheduled Parent Participation Day, we will vary the day of the week so that parents can see their child in multiple instructional blocks/with different teachers. Your child's homeroom teacher will send a message on ParentSquare in advance, to let you know the class subject and room number for your visit on Friday, January 10.
Please be mindful that you do NOT photograph or videotape classroom instruction during your visit, as we closely monitor student privacy and media consent. If you would like to review instructional materials after your visit, please contact your child’s teacher and ask for the resource to be shared.
Please RSVP to indicate whether you can join us on Friday, January 10. We look forward to seeing you then! Please remember to bring photo identification to enter the building.
January’s Schedule/Workshop Topic
8:10-8:25 AM: K-5 Parent sign-in and welcome in the auditorium
Period 1, 8:25-9:10 AM: K-5 Parents visit classrooms (PreK parents with siblings attend older child’s classrooms)
Period 2, 9:10 AM:
PreK parents visit PreK classrooms - Family Engagement activity
3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents are invited to the Auditorium for a workshop on the New York State ELA & Math Exams, and how to help your child prepare
PreK parents
PreK parents with an older sibling should sign-in at 8:10 AM and visit the classroom(s) of their older child/children during Period 1; transition to PreK classroom at 9:10 AM
Parents with only a PreK child, sign-in at 9:00 AM and transition to PreK classroom at 9:10 AM